Thank you for making goodbyes more peaceful

Tiger had been diagnosed with severe liver disease a few weeks earlier and declined rapidly. I knew that I had to make that call to end her suffering but it was bothering me as she was terrified of car trips and going to the vets, I really didn’t want her last moments being stressed and scared, which was why I ended up googling other options and found Pawssum. The lady I first spoke to was lovely and whilst being respectful of it being a heartbreaking time she was really good about making sure I knew all upfront costs and details before locking in an appointment. Dr Stephen Bennett came that afternoon, he didn’t rush anything, instead he sat down and patted Tiger for a little while whilst discussing the procedure with me. He was happy for me to be cuddling Tiger when he administered the injections, and was patient with me giving her some last cuddles and allowed me to carry her out and put her body into his car. The whole procedure was outside on our deck which was Tiger’s favourite place, so whilst still heartbreaking, I was really glad it could be done in a place where she was at peace. Thank you guys for being lovely, and hopefully the next time I use your service it’s for happier purposes.

Danielle Griffey